- Apex Legends surprised fans by revealing unique Final Fantasy-inspired character skins during the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth crossover event.
- Three faces have been confirmed so far: Krypto Cloud as Stryfe, Horizon as Aerith Gainsborough, and Wraith as Vincent Valentine.
- Rumored features include additional skins, weapons, and cosmetics for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but these have yet to be confirmed.
Apex Legends is known for releasing unique skins for legends and weapons. The battle royale title joins popular franchises like Portal , Half-Life and One Piece for exclusive skins. But Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth wasn't for many fans. The new Apex Legends skin range, revealed at the recent Game Awards Live Show, features skins inspired by Final Fantasy characters. This revelation also surprised many players watching the broadcast.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth , scheduled for February 2024, is the sequel to the highly anticipated Final Fantasy 7 Remake . The film's trailer was released at The Game Awards, teasing some key scenes from popular characters like Claude Strife, Areth Gainsborough, Jack Fair and more. After that, the Apex Legends crossover was revealed in a 40-second trailer. Final Fantasy 7 will be part of the Rebirth event for a limited time and is a promotion for the upcoming Final Fantasy game.
Apex Legends has announced a massive limited time event
Apex Legends will feature a massive limited edition event in December and is based on the recently released Kill Code movie series.Apex Legends X Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth skins have been confirmed so far
The Apex Legends x Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth event will be released on January 9, 2024. Three skins have been confirmed so far for Crypto, Horizon and Wraith. These will be sold through the in-game store.
Crypto - skin collision cloud
Recon Legend Crypto had the honor of using the Cloud Clash skin for the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth crossover event . This is great because they are crypto and cloud friendly, but they also care about their peers.
The best thing about Cloud Strife is that it can include the Buster Sword. The trailer shows Krypto performing the limit break "Braver" using his giant sword, sparking theories that players will be able to use the legendary weapon in battle for a limited time.
Horizon Cover - Erith Gainsborough
Known as the mother of the Apex Legends roster , Horizon FF7 immediately received the Aerith Gainsborough skin. Aerith is described as caring and optimistic despite impending danger. These are the features that many Apex Legends players associate with Horizon.
The two characters are separated by Horizon in Apex Legends Skirmisher, a class that uses movement skills to engage in combat, Aerith is primarily a healer and magic user. How these traits combine in mating events is unknown.
Wraith - Skin Vincent Valentine
The Wyeth is a legendary assassin with a mysterious past, and he's determined to find the people who captured him and robbed him of his memories. This dark Vincent makes it perfect for Valentine's skin tones. In Final Fantasy 7 , Vincent always talks about his past sins and puts the burden on himself. Both he and the Wraith have dark natures, but they always protect their allies.
Like the Cloud Buster sword, Final Fantasy 7 fans will recognize Vincent's Cerberus gun. If the crossover event uses weapons from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth , Cerberus will be a nice addition to the Apex Legends arsenal for some time. It could also be a skin for one of the game's sidearms.
Talk features and coverage
Apex Legends Crossover may reveal more Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth skins in the coming weeks. Some leaks say there will be skins for Watson, Newcastle and Valkyrie. Select weapons will also receive epic skins. Cosmetically, it looks like players will get frames, tracks and badges inspired by Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth .
These features are yet to be confirmed, so players will have to stay tuned. But given Final Fantasy 7 's impressive universe and roster of characters, it's no surprise that Apex Legends would speak to these elements .
Apex Legends:
- for free
- February 4, 2019
- editor(s)
- Electronic industry
- Type:
- Battle Royale, a first person shooter
- Multiplayer:
- Online multiplayer
- the engine
- Source on console/PC, Unreal Engine 4 on mobile
- T for teenagers. Blood, violence
- Metaconcentration
- 89:
- Platforms that support cross-play
- PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One
- Availability of PS Plus
- N/A: