One of the longest-running animated sitcoms is South Park, which premiered in 1997 and is still airing 25 years later.
At the start of the new season, the show addresses one of the most important current topics in the stock market.
What Happened: The world of cryptocurrency was targeted in 2022 by "South Park" creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker with a streaming film mocking the industry.
“South Park” will take a critical look at the development of artificial intelligence starting in 2023.
The new trailer for South Park: Joining the Panderverse offers an exclusive look at how artificial intelligence "has turned the world upside down," shares The Hollywood Reporter.
The special is the fifth "South Park" special and will air on Paramount+, Paramount Global 's PARA PARAA streaming platform.
“Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams mark the end of the life he knows and loves. “The adults of South Park also struggle to make their own life choices as the rise of AI turns their world upside down,” the special description reads.
Viewers will be able to watch the special starting October 27 in the United States and Canada, with other regions gaining access later.
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Why it matters: The 'South Park' teaser shows characters who identify as different genders, ages and races, meaning the controversial topic of gender identity could also be addressed in the special.
The 2022 special “The Streaming Wars Part 2” mocked the crypto industry and celebrities used in the ads, like Matt Damon.
Instead of promoting Bitcoin BTC/USD in a separate feed, Damon promotes recycled water called Pipi Water.
Cryptocurrencies were also the focus of the 2021 “Post COVID” special edition of “South Park.”
“South Park” creators Parker and Stone signed a deal with Paramount in 2021 for six additional seasons of the series, which also includes adding 14 films to Paramount+. The two said the new streaming platform makes it easier to create new cinematic content for the event.
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